Who we are

Humans in the Loop

We are a small, specialized team of Senior Advisors with decades of professional experience the field of Corporate Governance including Nomination and Appointment Processes for Non-Executives and Executives.

As humans, we remain in the loop, especially in contexts where we advise our clients on critical decision-making, oversight, and necessary ethical considerations.

Personal integrity, discretion and confidentiality form the foundation of our work.

Why HOC?


+ Informed Decisions + Protection from Personal Liability and Reputation Risks + Good Practice and Benchmarks + Efficiency Gains + Contribution to Value Enhancement + Network Effects + Compliance with relevant Standards and Regulations

Long List Approach

With an already validated longlist of candidates, clients save time and have access to highly qualified profiles. Our HOC- Long List for Independent Directors is staffed with highly skilled personalities who have the right level of experise and personal suitibilty to serve on Supervisory Boards. The shortlist, derived from the longlist, is then subject to confidential consultation with the client.

ECO - System

We provide you with exclusive access to our ecosystem and network, where selected guests, by invitation only, will enjoy a trustworthy atmosphere. Stay tuned and get the latest insides and trends on Artificial Intelligence and other new emerging technologies. Find out what this means for the work of supervisory bodies.

Specialized Consulting

Our specialized consulting services are designed to address your unique needs and challenges, ensuring that you get those candidates onboarded who ideally complement the competence profile of the Supervisory Board. Our consulting includes a comprehensive analysis of the business and control environment, and a holistic view of the company's unique corporate governance system to ensure a perfect fit.


We have a proven track record and references helping clients achieve their goals and conduct compliant nomination and appointment processes. Please feel free to contact us to find out more information.