HOC Human Oversight Consulting specializes in positioning Independent Directors and Supervisory Board Members.
Our focus is on the Audit Committee Financial Expert and the Technology Expert serving the Supervisory Board.
Human oversight in governance is more relevant than ever, underscoring the value of expertise, integrity, empathy, and intuition in shaping emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Quantum Computing.
In light of the rapidly evolving demands on corporate governance, we can assist you in identifying candidates with the appropriate profiles for Independent Directors and Supervisory Boards. Our objective is to minimize risk and ensure compliance with relevant standards and best practices throughout the nomination and appointment processes.
The nomination and appointment process for Independent Directors and Supervisory Boards must meet high standards in terms of good Corporate Governance today. Above all, the human factor remains crucial.
We support our clients with our experience to conduct such a process that meets all requirements properly, effectively, and efficiently.
Lock in and get access to our exclusive Eco-System due to a personal invitation. Get in touch with our Partners, Entrepreneurs and Experts. Be in the loop, stay informed about the latest insights, trends and developments regarding Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Quantum Computer Technology. Understand the impact for the work of Supervisory Boards.
HOC provides specialised consulting services focusing on the Nomination and Appointment of Independent Directors serving on Supervisory Boards with a focus on Financial Expertise, Technology and IT/Cyber-Security.
Sapere Aude Media & Consulting UG
Managing Director:
Bettina Weiß-Schichold
Duchy of Lauenburg
23909 Baek